Monday, September 21, 2015

Day #7 and the end of the first week.

Well I made through the first 7 days and I really feel great. Today I had crazy energy and scrubbed my kitchen, did some mopping and vacuuming. This evening my sweet husband asked me to take him on a walk so we had a nice stroll. It wasn't anything to long 2.5 miles maybe but it was great to be out in the night air, holding hands and taking him on one of my trails. I have even more confidence now that I will complete this. My meals were simple and included some leftovers or pre-prepped food. Meal #1 was Andouille and egg scramble, sautéed cabbage and fresh pineapple. Meal #2 was grilled eggplant, turkey burger with pasta sauce and asparagus. Meal #3 was sweet potato hash browns, fried eggs, and a kale and prosciutto sauté.  

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