Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Milestone...perhaps a silly one...but one none the less...

I went to the Dr. yesterday because I am having neck problems...but that is another saga.
Anyway...they always bring in the seperate...fat person blood pressure cuff but guess what? NO MAS! Nope, they just took the regular one off the wall, wrapped that sucker around my arm, pumped it up and away we went.... Some of you reading may wonder why that's a big deal...well, it was sort of embarrassing to be so fat that they had to use this giant cuff that had to specifically brought in....so for ME....it's a milestone.


Amber said...

I count that as a milestone, too. I totally know where you're coming from!

Teri said...

That's not silly, that's great. And in such a short time too. You're doing great Amy! And, hey, you didn't even tell us what your BP was. Fess up!

Melissa said...

That's a fabulous milestone!