Tuesday, February 24, 2015

7 mile day

Today was the longest daily walk I have taken in a long time and it felt amazing. I came to a cross roads and had to make a choice on my routes. I literally said out loud..."it's time to push further" and I did. I won't have time every day for walks that long but great to know I can and not feel like my butt has been completely kicked. I walked near the water and pulled one of my ear buds out so I could hear the cadence of my footsteps as I seem to march in rhythm to whatever was beating in my ear be it music or perhaps my heart. Each and every day I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for the steps I can take. The "hill I hate" was not so today for I could climb it with ease even as it was part of the 7th mile. Tomorrow will be that day I climb on the scale and I don't know that it will be a "victory" week after my amazing weekend of no limits but I have to say that I am happy in the place I am at right now. It's okay....it's good and can only get better. 

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