Friday, November 18, 2011

The end of the week, and Turkey Day on the Horizon...

I survived the week. I don't think my kitchen did. I could take a picture of it but it might not have the same affect without the horrific scream in the background and the flash of the black and white camera shot of the woman holding her face in terror! Yeah, it's that bad. I have to finish this blog post, take a shower and as we say here in the south "get after it!" No, wait...I do have to make some pumpkin bread today! Jeepers! I thought the oven was going to get a break! That's okay! Maybe it will tomorrow.

So my confessions of the night I ate pizza because after a day of baking ALL day...I just couldn't bring myself to COOK! I also ate crackers...and I put BUTTER on them. Yep, I did! Buttered crackers. Remember good! I won't lie. They were that good and yeah, well, I enjoyed every buttery saltine and I haven't for one moment thought it was the end of the world. How cool is that? That is WHAT it is finally about. Living and doing and being and rolling along. We do what is right and best for us, best for our bodies, and we do as much as we can that is right and when we have those moments that we have something that is not good, it's a big ol' "so what"! It's when it's a constant, never ending, swimming in a pool of chocolate pudding and drinking it with a styrofoam "floaty" size straw that we have an issue! I believe I am out of the pool of pudding. I am pretty sure I am. Does that sound confident? I am working on it.

Last night...I had Whataburger. That is the best Hamburger for us Texans. I will miss those when we move away. I had every intention of grilling out and had some great asparagus to roast but we went to test drive a car and at 7:30 I was getting text messages from hungry kids. So there was little choice. Again, I don't feel sad, nor worthless. I move along and touch the creases of my mouth with my napkin and say..."that was sure yummy" and I keep on trucking!

I am happy! I am really happy. I guess I am happy in a weird kind of way because though I have so many worries that pull at me...I have an inner peace that all will be all right. I just know this. The more I strive to do what is right for me in all areas in my life, the more that will spill over in to the lives of my family. I just know that to be true. Does that sound confident? That I am not working on. I KNOW THAT IS TRUE BEYOND ANY DOUBT.

I love my family, and I am learning to love me and I am learning to accept me and the way I am little by little. As I slowly "creep down"...if I continue to accept me, I hope that will be the key to my lasting success.

With Thanksgiving next week I must say that I have so much to be profoundly grateful for. There is no need for a list. I am blessed, my family is blessed.

I will eat turkey, I will eat dressing, I will eat pie! So there! It's Thanksgiving Day! And then the next day isn't and I get right back to it. That's how it rolls! Besides, I am eating at a restaurant so there won't be any leftovers here. Good plan, huh?

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