Monday, July 20, 2009

My New Haircut!

I have been working so hard out my body I tend to neglect my Saturday I went and got a much needed haircut and I absolutely LOVE IT! LOVE IT! I didn't take a picture of the back but it's shorter and layered and sort of funky where I can mess it up and be a "wild chick" if I wanna! LOL
Admittedly, I still catch glimpses of myself and I don't recognise myself. SERIOUSLY! I can't believe it's me! What a difference a haircut makes! (giggle!)


Melissa said...

Look at how cute you are!
I love the hair!

Teri said...


Just a Girl in a Port said...

Fantastic blog and amazing story about taking care of you! Kudos and I can't wait to read in January about how you feel after crossing that finish line!