Monday, June 1, 2009

I figured it out...

And I stopped taking the thyroid meds...on my own. I am sure my Dr. will have a fit but I gained that weight immediately upon taking it and began a bloated stomach out of nowhere. I started doing my research online and found that this is something that a certain number of people have experienced with that medication. I absolutely REFUSE to take something that will make me gain weight. NO HOW, NO WAY! I will do what I can to deal with this naturally but I am not taking the Synthroid....NOT HAPPENING. Wouldn't you know I stop taking it and they weight comes right back off and that tells me something.

Friday I went to the lab and had a crazy amount of blood work done including a glucose tolerance test. They are testing me for you name's being tested. This coming Friday I will get the other thyroid ultrasound, carotid doppler and chest x-ray.

I think last week I exercised 4 days instead of my usual 5 so it felt like a "slow week" so I am determined to bust my "arse" this week. I have a personal goal to break the 100 pound mark in the next 3 weeks. I should be able to do it without a problem as long as doc doesn't try to throw me on anymore goofy meds...LOL.

We went shopping this weekend armed with a list and a whole pile of coupons. We saved $22 I think in coupons but it's sort of tiring to slowing go through the coupons while your going down the isles. I need to organize them. We went across town to one store that we thought would have bargains but it didn't. We won't do that was an adventure...It felt more like shopping at a flea market...ha!ha! Hey, I could have come home with a "live" catfish though and that would have been totally cool! ;)

I am off to the gym....looking forward to dancing like a wild woman in my "Zumba" class today and then it's leg weights and core training. Just 3 days of school left for my kids and it'll be a balancing act between gym, housework and lots of days at the pool.

Have a great one!

Selfish Lady Sends........


Mary H. said...

Great job with the coupons. I'm working on getting mine more organized, too. I totally need to try a Zumba class!

Jennifer said...

I love Zumba. I can't get my husband to go tho..LOL!

Jennifer said...

oh.. and I love your blog! You have done a wonderful job losing weight! I always wondered if I could do it at age 42 and with a thyroid problem, now after reading your blog I know I can. I have lost 27 lbs. so far...